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Oglądasz tylko te filmy, które nadesłał AndreaRicca
Miniaturka MTV
"ALIENS NIGHT" - Alien abduction Sci-Fi Short Movie
Andrea Ricca Short Movies ( "It's pure fun to watch!" Sam Sloan - ( "Incredibly well done film." TheIndependentCritic ( "Effective use of editing and camera angles. You might be pleasantly surprised." (http://www.morehorro(…)
6 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
"SPIDER DANGER" - Giant Spider attacks a man - Sci-Fi Short Movie - Directed by ANDREA...
Official website: "Is there anything creepier than a really good spider movie?" - DREAD CENTRAL.COM ( "Ricca proves once again that creativity and commitment can often compensate for cash." - The Independent Critic.Com (http://theindepe(…)
6 lat temu